Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My H00d

I live in a neighborhood where gang tagging is like decoration and littering is okay I guess? Where the train passes and make all that noise. Bums get mad because you can't spare a dollar, teenage moms standing at the bus stop with a baby on one hip and a over sized baby bag hanging from the other arm,police up and down up and down the damn streets but never caught the killer of that 7 year old baby girl but, their so worried about a brother or sister who is barely making ends meet and give him a fix it ticket for a broke light he tried to fix but the money didn't add up right. Or how about the crack heads walking up and down the street prostituting so they can intoxicate themselves with that mess.

Maybe the 9 year old big little sister walking home her 6 and 4 year old younger siblings because her mom have two jobs,go to school part time and their daddy, he don't exist to them. How about my next door neighbor hanging out with his friends on his birthday in front of his house and he got shoot in his knee? The liquor store on the corner got burnt down I asked the owner what happened he said, "I'm so fed up with this s*^!",I stay where your own black people snickering and whispering about you when you walk in the nail shop, Yeah I live there were all these things and more take place but what I can say is I'm grateful for my guardian angels protecting and watching over me with all their might. I'm grateful for ever breath I take,every morning I wake up. Every night I pray that my neighborhood change so my son,nieces and nephews can play after the street lights come on.

Even though it may seem as if I portrayed my neighborhood in all negative ways it is all still reality. I may have described a neighborhood of your own. Rather or not what I've just stated is many reasons why our youths are leading down the wrong road. How could you wake up every morning and walk to that bus stop or corner store visualizing the images I just painted and think happy thoughts? How should or young men feel when they can't walk down one of the Avenues without getting harassed? All the cons out weighed the pros and that's why the negative things stood out. But I been in my neighborhood for 16 years so I guess I got use to the gang tagging,the shooting, police sirens going off at all times of day and night, and having to watch your back. Like Tupac said, "I guess Somethings will never CHANGE".

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