Monday, April 20, 2009

We Come In Peace

This weekend was a very chill weekend for me.But,one memory stuck out the most.Let me start from the beginning.Last weekend I was cordially invited to a pool party by my Persian friend Sherry. This past Saturday me and some of my friends decided to follow one another to Sherry's house.On the way there we got losted.We stopped to ask for directions from some gardening workers.He said,that he wasn't able to tell us where to go so he would get the owner of the house.The owner of the house was a Caucasian older guy.He looked weary as if he was a little nervous.Let me remind you it was a my car and my friends(2 black cars and 1 with super dark tint)pulled up behind each other.I started to think he must be scared! My boyfriend said,"He probably think we gon'rob him or something thirsty".I,replied "It is so sad that we(BLACK PEOPLE)have to think that way.They felt out of their element because we crossed our "boundary"!But,as nervous as he was he gave us the right directions.Back to the story.Her house is located on a mountain in Brent wood.But,on our journey there Me & my boyfriend seen beautiful houses and luxury cars.Being that I went to Paul Revere in Brentwood and Palisades In the Palisades,I already knew what to expect and how the living is totally different.My boyfriend was like damnnnnnnn to really see what its really like outside the "hood". This house wasn't like a nice house in Ladera or Baldwin Hills.This was a mini mansion.Decorated with lavish things,bmw's overloading the driveway,just nice things.No trash on the street,no bumpy roads,just quietness and everlasting trees. With the reaction of my boyfriend and friends,it made me thing like damn I don't never want to leave.I know on my way home in my neighborhood I will be continuously looking in my rear view mirror to see if anyone is following me,or drive faster to hurry up and get home,or pull over to the right because a police car is flying past.It made me think of what I could have but better yet what I do have!It made me really realize how far to stretch my goals and to reach a little more higher than I anticipated.\

Sunday, March 29, 2009

My Wonderful Weekend

This weekend was one of the best weekends ever.Last week Monday I decided to have a barbeque.Eventough it was last minute it worked out well.Friday me and my boyfriend seasoned all the meat so they could marinate and be magically delicious.Saturday, we woke up and began to cook.My boyfriend made barbeque chicken and beef ribs,While I made chicken enchiladas and ambrosia(fruit salad) for dessert.We announced for everyone to arrive around 4 o'clock.I was nervous that no one would attend.But, of course everyone started rolling in around 5:30 to 6:00 o'clock.All my loved ones were there and some of my close friends.My cousin had his dj equipment so we had music to dance to.Eventually my barbeque turned into a party.We had drinks,food and a whole lot of fun.No one started any arguements and no fights broke out.I was so happy that me and my boyfriend was able to pull this function off.We had so much fun and so many jokes to remember.Simply I can say this weekend was awesome.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Choices,Mistakes & The Results

In life we are granted with choices. Some choices we make may not be the best and some choices we make can better us and mistakes are for us to learn from.I know a few people in my circle of friends that are convicted felons and have turn their lives around and haven't been to jail since their last release.I feel like if this is the land of opportunity, they should give everyone a second chance. My close friend has been convicted of domestic violence, which was in the year of 2006 since then he has had 4 to 5 jobs all temporary and all dead end. I feel like people who are in the situation my friend is in, Make decisions and choices under pressure,without thinking and out of anger.With the result of their mistakes jail,probation for 2 or more years and a unpleasent record is what they end up with. Their are programs that help felons look for jobs but,most of the jobs are temporary and the pay isn't nothing much to talk about.These people have families,resitution to pay and neccessities. How are they expected to pay the cost of living if no one will give them a chance?So for all of you who have a nice crispy clean record think before you complain about not getting a job.I think their should be more job oppourtunities for felons.We are all human and we all make mistakes maybe some mistakes bigger than others.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fustrated with Umoja

When I first heard about the Umoja program I was overwhelmed with the information provided.Not only was it my first semester in college but, the program seemed unorganized.My expectations were completely different from what the program offered.In high school I was the Vice President of the BSU (Black Student Union) club. Eventhough I wasn't in high school anymore I enjoyed the organizations,the black history classes and the unity between the black students. I thought the program would have atleast offered a African-American History class.My first semester experience was crazy!Everyone including myself, was complaining about doing plato and how it was too much work.The administration had a message for us almost everyday.Eventhough I know in my heart their are good people behind this program that want us to succeed,I still feel the program is overwhelming.The hours of the class,plato,and this new signing in method are taking a toll on me.I know maybe in a couple of semesters with patient students this program will work out.Now, Im not saying I don't take what I learn and the tutoring for granted but in this situation the bad out weighed the good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Life is precious,hard,challenging and at times pleasent.I compare life to a flower,You grow,bloom and suddenly some petals start to fall off and next thing you know your dead.It seems harsh but its reality,my reality.Its crazy to me because so many people die daily but,everyone life continues.When your sad and down because you lost your mom,cousin,sister whomever it maybe, The world is still turning.When I lost my cousin I didn't expect anyone to slow down their lives.It just hurted me to see how everyone was joyful while I was torn apart.I knew that I had to be strong enough and proceed with my life.I just wasn't sure that I was ready to continue my life knowing that a piece of me wasn't here anymore.I've been through so much more than I thought I could handle.I know I am young but what I can say I am young and wise.I have analyzed this thing called life.I figured out that no matter what happens in your life you have to keep keeping on regardless of any situation.Life is hard,confusing,fustrating but most of all it is beautiful.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My President Is Black

"Do you know why it was cold yesterday? People said, "It would be a cold day in hell before a black man became president".Well guess what guys bundle up.-Unknown

November 4Th,2008 was the very first time I have ever voted.On the way to the church where I was summons to vote at,I was very nervous.I didn't know what to expect and just wished all goes well.People had said many negative things about voting.So I began to think as I was driving to the church.What if I had to stand and wait in line for hours? What if I accidentally marked the wrong answer on the ballot?What if it started raining?

Well first off I was only in line for 45-50 minutes.I was so blessed to not have to stand in line for a very long.As I was done voting and began to walk to my car the line was all the way down the street which was two blocks down from the church.I was glad my wait wasn't dredfully long.Having the right to vote and a voice to be heard intrigued me to want to vote.Most of my family are immigrants and are unable to vote.So me and my cousins took the honor and were proud to vote not only for Obama, but for our family.

At 8:01pm my Father called me yelling at the top of his lungs,"We won,we won,Obama won."Now I thought the results of the votes wasn't going to be in until today.I thought my dad was playing.I was driving home and then I realize he wasn't lying to me.I was on Crenshaw and Slauson at 8:09pm.People were yelling,screaming,crying,dancing,waving their flags,showing off their shirts and blowing their horns.This was no Laker parade.This is going to be in history.My son will maybe one day write a book report on the 1st Black President of The United States of America.I had never experience so many happy people for a presidential election.I am so proud of the results of this election.

"Rosa Parks sat so,Dr.King could talk,Dr.King walked so Obama could RUN...And Obama WON so our kids can fly."

Monday, October 27, 2008

My Greatest Fear

Growing up in South Central,Los Angeles it is a lot to fear.Fear of being shot,jumped,killed(accident or purpose),and simply not upgrading from living in the hood.Honestly,those listed above is not what fears me.My fear is:Lack of success,not achieving goal or goals,"falling short",or simply being a failure.My major goal is to succeed in anything I put my hands on.Failing is so much easier than trying,reaching for that goal,and succeeding.

I know at times I slack off and it's not quite reality to me that I'm in college but failing is not a option.I think about it everyday.I've heard it over and over you sometimes have to fail to continue and strive harder.It's not many role models I look up to as far as family.Every One seems to be just getting by.I want to get by and have space to take a vacation,buy my son something nice,or maybe by myself a new car.But,as I think about all the accomplishments I have made I just barely made it.I have a lot of faith in myself so I know I can do it.

Thomas Edison said,"I have not failed.I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."